Complaints procedure

If you believe Centrix has breached the Credit Reporting Privacy Code, please contact us to let us know.

Our contact details:

Telephone:  09 966 9706

Attn: Consumer Services
Centrix Group Ltd
P.O Box 62512
Auckland 1546

We will acknowledge your complaint in 5 working days, unless the complaint has been resolved to your satisfaction within that period. In 10 working days of acknowledging your complaint, we will decide if complaint is justified or decide if we need more time to investigate the complaint. If this is the case, you will be advised of any additional time required and the reasons for it.

As soon as possible after a decision is made on your complaint, you will be informed of the decision, the reasons for the decision and any actions we propose to take. If you are not satisfied with our decision, you can take your complaint to the Privacy Commissioner. The Privacy Commissioner’s contact details are:

Wellington Office:
Grant Thornton Building
Level 11, 215 Lambton Quay
PO Box 10094
The Terrace
Wellington 6140

Auckland Office:
Level 13
WHK Tower
51-53 Shortland Street
PO Box 10094
The Terrace
Wellington 6140

Enquiries line: 0800 803 909

A summary of your rights under the Code can be found here.